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The New Stuff

Special Package: Paper Birdhouse Tutorial

Paper Birdhouse! Fill with candy and treats for Easter, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Christmas... change the paper to fit the occasion! LOVE!

I made up these little bird houses which are filled with mini eggs using a favourite template of mine which is the  bird box template by Nicole Heady .

I only made a slight change to the design. The roof is all one piece normally and stuck onto the house so once its glued you have to rip it open to get to the contents.  These are such pretty things I wanted people to be able to keep them and reuse them.

Once I had cut out and scored the design, I made little slits just wide enough for a ribbon to be pushed through at the base of each side panel and then again in the score line on each edge of the side panel.

(inside of box)

The ribbon is hidden inside the box and just pulled through the slits at the top to hold the roof in place once its attached.  I cut out the heart shaped window with the PTI heart dies and put some acetate inside to stop the contents coming out.

For the roof, I cut two strips of cardstock the same size (8cm x 9cm) and scored and folded one end at 1 cm and cut a slit the width of the ribbon at other end approx 1 cm from the edge.  I threaded the ribbon through the slit of one panel and fixed to the bird house with double sided tape but left the scored section unattached.  I threaded the ribbon through the other roof panel and lay the panel on top of the other one at the score fold, pulled the ribbon to the top and tied in a bow to hold it all in place and the contents secure.

This way when untied, one side opens right up so you can get your hands
on the goodies inside and reuse it when empty.

I made a couple more, one a little larger than the other two (I just enlarged on a photocopier).

I used a collection of doubled sided patterned papers called Flower Garden from Tilda (the same designs as the Tilda doll from my last post).  The solid cardstock in PTI.

Those little chocs scattered on the table for decoration purposes are sadly no more, I ate them all!  I am on a diet presently, two weeks in and although I've lost 6 1/2 lbs so far, I just can't resist a choc when presented to me!

Have a great evening all.

Author: zoe-paperisbliss

2 comments: Leave Your Comments

  1. That is really cute! Thank-you for the great post on how to do the top so one can get to the contents easier. I have some wonderful thick designer upholstery fabric from my biz I am going to use to make these lil cuties as v-day gifts to pass out :)

    1. You're the very welcome Linda glad to hear that, & it would be great if you share a picture about your experience making these little birdhouse =)


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